Student Registration HSC 2021 Student Name * Student Email (for online access) * Mother's Name Father's Name Student Mobile No (example: 01xxxxxxxxx) * Guardian Mobile No (example: 01xxxxxxxxx) In which unit you want to get admission- A unit (Science) B unit (Humanities) C unit (Business Stu.) D unit (Combined) A+D unit (ক+ঘ ইউনিট) C+D unit (গ+ঘ ইউনিট) BBA (math) ICT (আই.সি.টি) Desired Batch/Class Time for coaching Sat-Mon-Wed-Fri (Time: 8.00 am-10.00 am) Sat-Mon-Wed-Fri (Time: 10.00 am-12.00 pm) Sat-Mon-Wed-Fri (Time: 12.00 pm-2.00 pm) Sat-Mon-Wed-Fri (Time: 2.00 pm-4.00 pm) Sun-Tue-Thu-Fri (Time: 8.00 am-10.00 am) Sun-Tue-Thu-Fri (Time: 10.00 am-12.00 pm) Sun-Tue-Thu-Fri (Time: 2.00 pm-4.00 pm) Sun-Tue-Thu-Fri (Time: 2.00 pm-4.00 pm) SSC Institute SSC/Equivalent - Education Institute Name (এস এস সি / সমমান - শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম): Exam * SSCDakhilO LevelSSC Vocational Group * Business StudiesHumanitiesScience Board * DhakaRajshahiCumillaJashoreChattogramBarishalSylhetDinajpurMadrashaO Level Pass Year Roll No GPA HSC Institute HSC/Equivalent - Education Institute Name (এইচ এস সি / সমমান - শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম): Exam * HSCAlimA LevelHSC VocationalHSC Bs MgtDiploma Group * Business StudiesHumanitiesScience Board * DhakaRajshahiCumillaJashoreChattogramBarishalSylhetDinajpurMadrashaO Level Pass Year Roll No GPA Date of Birth Blood Group A+ A- B+ B- O+ O- AB+ AB- Student Picture Upload Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 0.1MB If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit